Abbado Arte Cassari (Bado)
It is always dangerous to do any kind of shopping on the internet! One day, when I was checking out European Briard Web sites, I fell in love with a dog Named Carlos Arte Cassari. On a whim I e-mailed the breeder (Zuzana Likerkova) to inquire about importing semen from this gorgeous Briard. As luck would have it she just happened to have a litter on the ground and the sire was Carlos—thus we got on the list for a puppy resulting in the acquisition of our boy Jerry, Garcia Arte Cassari. Some time later I once again, while checking out Zuzana's Web page, fell head over heels. This time for a dog named Abbado Arte Cassari.
Again I contacted Zuzana about a puppy and she was willing but this time requested that we travel to her home to meet her and to pick up our puppy—so-o-o off to Slovakia we went! We spent several wonderful days in Zuzana's home, playing with puppies and falling madly in love with Abbado. Tommy fell for Abbado immediately to the point where we tried to convince Zuzana to let us bring him home, but she was not willing to part with him. A year later Zuzana came to our home with Abbado to show him here in the United States and, as luck would have it, my Siddalee came into season and so we were able to breed the duo.
In the Spring of 2006 we heard from Zuzana who, due to some personal issues, needed a safe, wonderful home for her boy Abbado and his sister Aneca. We didn't hesitate at the opportunity of having these lovely dogs come to the U.S. and for the chance to help a dear friend in need. So, Aneca and Abbado came to live in America. We adore Abbao, who has brought so much joy to our home. His sister Aneca lives with friends in Maryland where she is the queen bee!
Abbado loved the show ring. In Fact he was selected the Best Male Briard at the French National in 2005. He holds many selects and championships all over Europe. Everyone knew Abbado!
Abbado was an amazing Briard. He was the gentle giant in our house who could be trusted to always do the right thing. Even in his golden years he could be seen laying upside down on the floor playing with his favorite squeaky toy. During a successful cancer treatment, Abbado won the hearts of everyone at the Veterinary oncology clinic proving his magnificence in the face of treatments.
Fortunately, even though he has left us the imprint of his temperament and beauty are clearly visible in his children and grandchildren. His regal spirit lives in all of them today.
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