BIS BISS Am. Can. Ch. Sendero's Sterling Gray Ghost, HOF (Derby)
We knew that Derby was a special girl right from the start! Even though she entered this world with no heartbeat and not breathing, Derby would not be held back. After much work and many frantic moments by her breeder-owners, the little gray whelp raged on to face life—and she hasn't stopped since!
Derby finished her American Championship before her first birthday and added a Canadian Championship along the way to becoming the kind of special that makes a breeder's every dream come true.
She was the first Briard special for handler Joan Scott and what a dynamic team they made. Derby broke all records for any gray or black briard, dog or bitch, with 57 Group first wins, 8 Bests in Show, a Specialty Best of Breed as well as being the only American-bred Briard to win a herding group in France. Wow!
What more could any breeder ask for?
By the way, that's Derby's puss on the home page. She is also pictured in the mist further on in the slideshow.
Derby attained the ripe old age of ten before she left us. As she left to soar with angels, Derby was held by the three people whom she loved the most: Merry Jeanne, Joan and Tommy. She touched our lives with incredible joy and we see her spirit in her kids and grandkids.
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