Ch. Garcia Arte Cassari (Jerry)
It is always dangerous to shop on the internet! One day while checking out some European Briard Web sites, I found a dog that took my breath away—Carlos Arte Cassari who had just won the breed at the European Briard Show.
After some fact-finding I contacted his breeder Zuzana Likerkova about the possibility of securing frozen semen from Carlos. She was more than willing but said she had a brand new litter of puppies sired by Carlos out of a superb Italian dam. To my delight she offered me a puppy!
We anxiously awaited the arrival of Jerry. I drove to Atlanta to pick him up, opened up the crate and out bounced a beautiful baby Briard boy. He was such a pretty puppy and very full of himself!
Jerry, with Gretchen Sahloff guiding him, finished his championship very quickly and continued on to place in multiple groups as a special.
He is a such a clown, keeping us in stitches constantly and wondering what he will get up to next.
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