Am. Can. Ch. Sendero's Steel Shot (Parker)
Parker, a handsome example of the breed, has done a great job of filling his mom, Remington's, very large pawprints! Parker burned up the rings by going RWD at the Michigan Ohio Briard Club specialty show, two days of back-to-back specialties, finishing the weekend by going BOW. Parker then crossed the 49th into Canada for the National specialty weekend where he began and finished his championship the same weekend. Rounding out an auspicious record, Parker is also a Rassemblement select.
Parker has sired just one litter to date, but already has several pointed kids and one champion to his credit. The puppies' dam is Ch.Ne'Orgeaux's New Mercedes bred by Bill and Becca Weber.
Parker lives with my father and his wife where he rules the roost, getting away with things I could never do as a kid! Oh, to be Parker, spoiled boy!
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