Ch. Sendero's Pulitzer Prize, HSSa (Scout)
Scout was always our wild child, living life at full speed leaving a wake of trouble at every turn. When Scout took to the show ring, with our good friend and handler Gretchen Sahloff, she finished easily with numerous Best of Opposite Sex wins over specials.
Motherhood, we believed, was not Scout's forte—we were afraid that she would whelp her puppies and then forget all about them! So, Scout was enrolled in herding school. She was sent to Kent Herbel's in Putnam, Oklahoma where her brother had lived and herded. Scout had a grand time at the Herbel's and added several herding titles to the end of her name. Lori and Kent enjoyed having Scout and we are certain that she kept them on their toes!
Scout came home to take up sofa duty with her mother Lilli and her cousins. Scout did not slow down with age making life with her always interesting! We lost Scout in the early part of 2009. She is missed terribly but we know she has taken up new duties with her grandmother, aunts, uncles and cousins who went on before her.
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