AKC Grand Ch. Lightning Strike El Xargal (Thunder)
Thunder is quite possibly the best male Briard we have ever had in our family. From the day he arrived from Barcelona he was just a special dog. Beautiful head piece, perfect movement, elegance and, most importantly, gentle character were all attributes we saw in him as a young puppy. He was an extraordinary puppy and is now an extraordinary adult.
Thunder has the warm gentle eyes that could melt an iceberg. These eyes melted Tommy's heart to become Daddy's Boy. So, it was with happy regret we sent him to live with his handlers Tim and Gretchen Conradt in 2012 to begin his show career.
Thunder's excellence was recognized by judges all over the country. Winning the Briard Club Of America's National Specialty was the crowning accomplishment of a great year. Thunder finished 2012 as America's Number 1 Briard in breed points and number 2 in all breed points. He also picked up over 22 Group placements during 2012.
We have high hopes for 2013 as 2012 was originally planned to be a play year. 2013 should be a year of great progress for this amazing Spanish boy.
Thunder has also had success as a stud dog. Thunder has not been used at stud often but the puppies he has produced are amazing! He has three Champions and a Grand Champion from his first litter and his next set of youngsters are working hard on their Championships. We are also very excited to have two working puppies in Agility homes with Kathy Fitzpatrick and Nona Horsley. We cannot wait to see those girls in action!
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